This page was last updated: January 20, 2024
Steilacoom Historical Museum Association
The following is an original 1912 creation by student Allan Clark at age 16, later to gain worldwide acclaim as a sculptor.  This piece is white chalk on a full-size (approximately 4' high) school blackboard.  Following its creation for an upcoming school celebration of Thanksgiving, the school principal ordered the blackboard removed, preserved with a clear-coat, and stored.    It consists of three blackboard segments, shown below separately, and also arranged as they were on the original blackboard.  Included are a closeup sampling to show detail, and a closeup of signature and date.  
Left segment
Middle Segment
Right Segment
All three segments joined (the dark edges of the three segments are an artifact of the digital joining process and are not noticeable on the orginal arework)
Example of detail
The following is original sculpting and relief work by Steilacoom resident, Margaret C. Grigor, in the mid-1900s. some being finished products, some being without final coating, and one as a reversed mold.  Included are a "Grigor" number (if known) assigned by SHMA when the pieces were acquired/accessioned several years ago, and comments if appropriate.  We are not an art museum so please excuse us if we do not use proper terminology concerning castings, coating, etc.
Grigor 1
Grigor 2
Grigor 3
Grigor 4-1
Grigor 4-2
Grigor 7
Grigor 8-1

Henry Hering Medal plaster casting
Grigor 8-2

Henry Hering Medal plaster casting
Grigor 15A

Air Traffic Control Association Medal of Merit mold

Grigor 15B

Air Traffic Control Association Medal of Merit plaster casting

Grigor 15C

Air Traffic Control Association Medal of Merit plaster casting with metallic coating (some coating degradation)

Grigor 15D

Air Traffic Control Association Medal of Merit metal (bronze?) casting mounted on wooden plaque.

Grigor 15E

Air Traffic Control Association Medal of Merit plaster casting with paint (?) coating, mounted on thick,  wooden, distressed wood slab.  Lettering not completed.

Grigor 20

Plaster casting with metallic coating

Grigor 21

Metal casting on hardwood plaque

Grigor Number Unknown

Metal sculpture referred to as "Agony" by SHMA.  Front View

Grigor Number Unknown

Metal sculpture referred to as "Agony" by SHMA.  Back  View

Grigor Number Unknown

Plaster casting with metallic coating, referred to as "Al Merito"  by SHMA. 

Grigor Number Unknown

Plaster casting with metallic coating, referred to as "Arch Moore"  by SHMA. 

Grigor Number Unknown

Plaster casting with metallic coating, referred to as "Emma Carr"  by SHMA. 

Grigor Number Unknown

Plaster casting with metallic coating, referred to as "Fun in the Sun"  by SHMA.  Casting is broken into three large pieces, but probably repairable. 

Grigor Number Unknown

Plaster casting with metallic coating, referred to as "Theo Rosen"  by SHMA.  

Grigor Number Unknown

Metal casting with metallic coating, referred to as "Transit Safety"  by SHMA.  

Original Art
Documents and Art
On this page are pieces of original art by Allan Clark and Margaret Grigor.

 Be sure to check out Page TWO where you will find Steilacoom censuses, interesting documents, and maps.